Before coaching with Melinda, I struggled with overfull days along with joint, and muscle pain. Melinda taught me that slowing down and learning to nurture myself is important and healing. Throughout my time with Melinda, I've experienced more insight into the foods and activities that give me energy, I'm learning to slow down, and I have moved myself to the TOP of my priority list. I loved coaching with Melinda and after just a short time together I enjoyed a wonderful 5-mile hike with my family and felt amazing!
It was a pleasure to work with Melinda. She helped me discover what I want most in my career, family, and health and how to actively go after my dreams. After working with Melinda for just 8 weeks, I landed my new job! I am also growing in my communication skills, prioritizing my tasks, and enjoying quality time with my family. Melinda is a supportive and motivating coach.
Prior to working with Melinda, I struggled with my boundaries and was not allowing myself to dream about my future. Being a naturally goal-oriented person, my dream had become a nightmare & I needed coaching to help me see myself again & to give myself permission to practice self-care and reestablish my boundaries and begin dreaming of my future once more. Through our work together, Melinda has shown me that having flexible boundaries and understanding what I need is valuable. The 3 most significant results I experienced from my coaching experience are that I have more hope for my future, peace in the present, and the courage to dream & plan for my future! I am learning to say YES to my dreams and making myself a priority. Melinda uses her gifts to draw out the best version of me!
I struggled with keeping promises to myself and making my health a priority before I began my coaching sessions. Working with Melinda has helped me define my health goals in a way that feels attainable and sustainable. Melinda has taught me new patterns and to shed old mindsets that are no longer helpful in reaching my goals. Three significant things that I have learned from working with Melinda are: planning my days and meals, taking time to nourish myself, and how to create new, helpful ways of thinking. She listens with understanding and without judgement while prompting me to see things in a different light, creating a safe space for me to become the person I want to be.